Invest in profitmaking e-commerce flower delivery service
With at least 30% annual income
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Short project description:

- It's a flower delivery service in Tashkent t (Uzbekistan)
- Service was founded in March 7th 2021 and the profit has increased $ 4.000 on the next day
- During the 6 мес. esting of different hypothesis it was served:
>500 in the common amount.
>$35,000 USD+ (>350 млн сум ) with the retail point and florists absence for the half of the period.
- We completed a stage of business model and demand testing (Product-Market fit), and now we are moving into the stage of an active rising. This is why it’s an ideal time to invest in the project.

Высокомаржинальная ниша, устойчивая к:

- crises as the target audience is the middle social group and higher
- quarantines as >90% of orders is E-commerce delivery

Почему цветочный бизнес?
Top 5 of our flower stores make $12 million profit annually in Kazakhstan and continue increasing (despite of the quarantine and crisis). The leaderder of the market has more than $4 million income (source). Also the second shop is in, top 35 of the biggest sites (source)

The founders have an experience in flower business. They had been managing the flower store in Almaty for 5 years, which was sold and renamed in Romeo. At the moment of selling the clients’ base was more than 10 thousand people.
Объем рынка:
Мировой $40млрд
Российский $2.5 млрд
Казахский $130млн
45% => 65%
Ожидаемый рост маржи +20% за счет увеличения цен и оптимизации списаний

Why Uzbekistan? Market analysis
The cost of a customer involvement in Tashkent is 5 times cheaper than in Almaty.
ROMI is >500%

Uzbekistan is a fast growing marketplace

Low competitiveness
Tashkent is the largest city of the region

It’s bigger than:
1,5 Almaty
2.5 Astana
IMF supposes that Uzbekistan will be the
leader of GDP growth in central Asia during the next 5 years

Investing attraction

Overseas visits of Uzbekistan president and signed contracts in 2017
Moreover, the quantity of foreign investments is raising every year in Uzbekistan (source)
President Mirziyoyev concluded contracts on the total $53 billion sum $53 billion

*The flower shops amount according to 2Gis

- Graduated from KIMEP, Nazarbayev grant owner

- Worked as a financial analyst in P&G. Made a $5 million input in the company profit (growth is >25%) at the first year. Increased the sales by 13-18%, reduced the budget by 30% in 2 offices, where the sells had been falling for 3 years.

- Co-founded >5 companies. Sold 2 of them successfully

- Web and mobile developer with 20+ year experience

- Created the high workload data systems, including online games.
- Worked in IT companies in Turkey, China and Kazakhstan

- Created iOS apps with more than a million downloads
- Expert in machine learning

- 10 year experience in prototyping and UI/UX design of web and mobile services

- Apps, which were developed by Alexander, were in Apple Editor’s Choice list in Germany, China, etc., for the best design in its own sphere

Automated business processes in consulting company with 150+ B2B clients

- Manages the operating processes in the flower delivery service, including regulations and business processes development

Sanat, SEO
Baglan, CTO

Alexander, СРО
Alua, СОО
registrations were completed during the referral program test on $0.2 price

Project status

applications were generated by different marketing tests

< 500м
reduced the cost of client involvement due to automatization systems
staff members work hard on the project. They were selected from more than 200 candidates

Подписчиков инстаграм (х3 прирост за последние 3 месяца)
the common profit in accordance with a 2 month standstill
the distance from Tashkent City gates to the shop. The location was chosen basing on the proximity to the office center and transports hubs
the amount of successfully completed orders

It’s not about the flowers, it’s about the service. The increase of the sales is due to repeated sellings automation using triggering sendings based on chat bots

The growth strategy

Sales on subscription (agreed contracts for auto purchasing) of SAAS type (subscription as a service), LTV increasing

Partner marketing, collaborations with bloggers and influencers. We have an agreement with managers in Tashkent
Marketing is based on bonus referral system, when active users attract new ones. An instrument, which was used by Uber at the entry into new markets
Expansion using our own/partner and/or franchising net for 6 months. Opening: Samarkand, Bukhara,
Namangan, Fergana,
Andijan, Nukus

Fast learning )and new workers position entry (at least 3 days)

The logistics of Dutch sorts from Kazakhstan (the reducing of production cost) and the support of local farmers

Positioning - as a valuable premium segment (fast growing segment pf Dining Casual analog)

Risks and their solutions

Скоропортящийся продукт
Политические риски
холодильное оборудование + управление поставками (остатки цветка хранятся в зависимости от оборачиваемости)
Диверсификация поставщиков многовекторный прагматизм
Проблемы с поставками
Кадровый дефицит
выход на новые рынки после успешного масштабирования бизнеса в Узбекистане
Вакансии размещены в 3х странах UZ, KZ, KG. Обучение новых и ввод должность с нуля за 3 дня
Financial model

Benefit and profit prediction for 3 years

Год 1
Год 2
Год 3
The share of the company of one participant with a full investing amount
Investing possibilities for angel-investors

total sum of investments for 10% of the company

The first ones will be paid not earlier than 6 months (after 14th February – 8th March season). The next dividends will be paid every 3 months


income possibility from your own percentage selling on the secondary market upon the dividends

Investing possibilities for retail investors

From $2.5к/~1 million KZT/~25 million UZS

Требуемые инвестиции $100k
Минимальные инвестиции для розничных инвесторов от $2.5k.

- Investments from $2.5k (national exchange equivalent) from 1 to 3 years according to investing contract or loan agreement

- Investor gets on choice:
1) 7.5 % (30% anually) from given money every 3 months or he increases the amount of the loan, reinvesting the dividends

2) 0.5% от валовой прибыли компании (Islam investments инвестиции) сwith every 3 months payment at least $200

The process of interaction

Meeting with the founders (private or in the messengers/zoom/Skype)
Investing agreement signing. It also can be the contact of the company share sale

Money transfer on the company account

Dividends getting in accordance with the agreement
Any questions?

+7 701 2333329

+998 90 333 5007

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